Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Summer 09 Recap

I was just informed that I haven’t written anything on my blog since May. I knew this of course, but the summer got away from me. I didn’t think I had much to write about but then I looked back at my pictures and I guess I could have come up with something. I think I’ll have to use “time” as an excuse. Between work and home life and being gone every weekend there just didn’t seem to be much time to spend writing. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it.

So here is a "brief" recap of June through September and all the fun things we have been up to.

Timothy, mom and I spent a weekend up in Aitkin with Uncle Dean, Anne, Troy and the kids. It was a great visit and Dean and Timothy hit it off. Timothy was just on the verge of walking and he was a very good baby the entire weekend. He even got his first taste of antique shopping. While we were at Deans he found a pillow that vibrated and he fell in love with it. Dean loved the fact that not only is Timothy a wonderful baby but also that he has a tummy just like Dean’s – big, round and with a bellybutton that is an outie.

Timothy on Dean's vibrating pillow.

Timothy started walking not long after our weekend in Aitkin. I took this video of him out in our backyard. If you notice at the end he fell down and I couldn’t catch him because I had the camera in my hands. I also made the mistake of turning the camera so when you watch it you’ll have to turn your head. I won’t make that mistake again!!

Emma’s favorite thing to do this summer is to play on her slides. I found one at a garage sale and my cousin Lori gave me another one. Every day when I got home all I heard was Emma saying “slide, outside, slide, outside.” If she wasn’t outside playing on her slide she was in the house watching either Elmo or the Annie movie (which, by the way, she has each memorized word for word!).


Amanda and Tony brought both the babies up to the lake for the 4th of July. They were really good and we all had a blast. Emma was even able to stay awake to see the fireworks. Watching her watch the fireworks was the best part of the weekend.

Amanda, Anthony and I took the babies out to Como Zoo one day and it was a lot of fun. Emma walked almost the entire time and she was a little tired when we were done. Anthony and I got her to say Tatonka when we saw the Buffalo. Timothy was just amazed at everything that he saw.

Emma’s daddy bought her a fish one day. Actually there were two fish but one disappeared so we think that it was eaten by the other. I can’t remember why she wanted a fishy. Maybe if I would have blogged about it when it happened I would have remembered.


Jeff and I spent every weekend at the lake this summer. The sunsets are amazing and I never get tired of taking pictures of it. Kobi and Daisy also love the lake and their favorite part is to go fishing with daddy and grandpa. Kobi fell off the boat one morning but Jeff said he just swam around until Jeff could pull him up. He was entertainment for all the other boats out there. Kobi also loves to pull "sticks" out of the water. No matter what the size ;)

Mike and Sara brought the twins up one weekend and it was nice enough for them to go to the beach and for a few boat rides. I didn’t think we were ever going to get the life jacket off of Nadia. She even wanted to sleep in it but grandma worked her magic and she took it off to sleep. But the next morning she had it back on ASAP. Aidan is always entertaining and had all of us laughing. They are both sweet kids.

During the summer week days I’ve had several visits from Timothy and he and Emma love each other. They scream together. Play together. Eat together. I know that they are going to grow up to be great friends.


In September the twins came up to visit again and brought Summer with this time but not mom and dad. Summer is the best big sister and such a great help!! Grandpa took Aidan fishing and he was so excited he just shook. It was so funny watching him catch a fish. I predict that Uncle Jeff and Grandpa are going to have to make room in the boat for Mr. Aidan very soon.

Timothy also came up to the lake for a weekend. It was the first time he spent the weekend with us and he was a joy. He had Jeff and I laughing so hard my cheeks hurt. It was Christmas at the lake that weekend so Great-Grandpa and I took him to a pot luck for dinner. Anthony had told us that Timothy is such a good eater you have to prove to him that the food is gone or he’ll want to keep eating. Little hard to do that at a pot luck!! That child ate more than my dad did! Eventually we took the plate home with us. He got to see Santa and wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He did love all the lights and decorations that were around. Both nights he went to bed for me very well. Anthony had taken the nuk away from him earlier in the summer but one day a month prior I had found one in the house. I asked Anthony if he wanted it and he told me to throw it away. I don’t always do what I’m told and I had put it into my work bag. When it came time to lay Timothy down I gave him the nuk and no problem. (Except that the son wasn’t very happy with me.)

This weekend we aren’t going to the lake. Instead we thought we would travel up to the North Shore and do some hiking and leaf peeping. We’ve been to the North Shore before but always with the kids and we didn’t do any major hiking. We have to take Kobi with us so it should be an interesting weekend. I’m sure he’ll love the hiking part and I’m just hoping that having him in a motel goes smoothly. The owner of the motel tells me that there will be other dogs there and knowing Kobi he will make a lot of friends this weekend.

Hey, maybe I’ll find time next week to post some pictures of us enjoying the leaves. Maybe…………..

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