Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Summer 09 Recap

I was just informed that I haven’t written anything on my blog since May. I knew this of course, but the summer got away from me. I didn’t think I had much to write about but then I looked back at my pictures and I guess I could have come up with something. I think I’ll have to use “time” as an excuse. Between work and home life and being gone every weekend there just didn’t seem to be much time to spend writing. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it.

So here is a "brief" recap of June through September and all the fun things we have been up to.

Timothy, mom and I spent a weekend up in Aitkin with Uncle Dean, Anne, Troy and the kids. It was a great visit and Dean and Timothy hit it off. Timothy was just on the verge of walking and he was a very good baby the entire weekend. He even got his first taste of antique shopping. While we were at Deans he found a pillow that vibrated and he fell in love with it. Dean loved the fact that not only is Timothy a wonderful baby but also that he has a tummy just like Dean’s – big, round and with a bellybutton that is an outie.

Timothy on Dean's vibrating pillow.

Timothy started walking not long after our weekend in Aitkin. I took this video of him out in our backyard. If you notice at the end he fell down and I couldn’t catch him because I had the camera in my hands. I also made the mistake of turning the camera so when you watch it you’ll have to turn your head. I won’t make that mistake again!!

Emma’s favorite thing to do this summer is to play on her slides. I found one at a garage sale and my cousin Lori gave me another one. Every day when I got home all I heard was Emma saying “slide, outside, slide, outside.” If she wasn’t outside playing on her slide she was in the house watching either Elmo or the Annie movie (which, by the way, she has each memorized word for word!).


Amanda and Tony brought both the babies up to the lake for the 4th of July. They were really good and we all had a blast. Emma was even able to stay awake to see the fireworks. Watching her watch the fireworks was the best part of the weekend.

Amanda, Anthony and I took the babies out to Como Zoo one day and it was a lot of fun. Emma walked almost the entire time and she was a little tired when we were done. Anthony and I got her to say Tatonka when we saw the Buffalo. Timothy was just amazed at everything that he saw.

Emma’s daddy bought her a fish one day. Actually there were two fish but one disappeared so we think that it was eaten by the other. I can’t remember why she wanted a fishy. Maybe if I would have blogged about it when it happened I would have remembered.


Jeff and I spent every weekend at the lake this summer. The sunsets are amazing and I never get tired of taking pictures of it. Kobi and Daisy also love the lake and their favorite part is to go fishing with daddy and grandpa. Kobi fell off the boat one morning but Jeff said he just swam around until Jeff could pull him up. He was entertainment for all the other boats out there. Kobi also loves to pull "sticks" out of the water. No matter what the size ;)

Mike and Sara brought the twins up one weekend and it was nice enough for them to go to the beach and for a few boat rides. I didn’t think we were ever going to get the life jacket off of Nadia. She even wanted to sleep in it but grandma worked her magic and she took it off to sleep. But the next morning she had it back on ASAP. Aidan is always entertaining and had all of us laughing. They are both sweet kids.

During the summer week days I’ve had several visits from Timothy and he and Emma love each other. They scream together. Play together. Eat together. I know that they are going to grow up to be great friends.


In September the twins came up to visit again and brought Summer with this time but not mom and dad. Summer is the best big sister and such a great help!! Grandpa took Aidan fishing and he was so excited he just shook. It was so funny watching him catch a fish. I predict that Uncle Jeff and Grandpa are going to have to make room in the boat for Mr. Aidan very soon.

Timothy also came up to the lake for a weekend. It was the first time he spent the weekend with us and he was a joy. He had Jeff and I laughing so hard my cheeks hurt. It was Christmas at the lake that weekend so Great-Grandpa and I took him to a pot luck for dinner. Anthony had told us that Timothy is such a good eater you have to prove to him that the food is gone or he’ll want to keep eating. Little hard to do that at a pot luck!! That child ate more than my dad did! Eventually we took the plate home with us. He got to see Santa and wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He did love all the lights and decorations that were around. Both nights he went to bed for me very well. Anthony had taken the nuk away from him earlier in the summer but one day a month prior I had found one in the house. I asked Anthony if he wanted it and he told me to throw it away. I don’t always do what I’m told and I had put it into my work bag. When it came time to lay Timothy down I gave him the nuk and no problem. (Except that the son wasn’t very happy with me.)

This weekend we aren’t going to the lake. Instead we thought we would travel up to the North Shore and do some hiking and leaf peeping. We’ve been to the North Shore before but always with the kids and we didn’t do any major hiking. We have to take Kobi with us so it should be an interesting weekend. I’m sure he’ll love the hiking part and I’m just hoping that having him in a motel goes smoothly. The owner of the motel tells me that there will be other dogs there and knowing Kobi he will make a lot of friends this weekend.

Hey, maybe I’ll find time next week to post some pictures of us enjoying the leaves. Maybe…………..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Black River Falls 4 Wheeling May 2009

Our first of two weekends that we go to Black River Falls, Wisconsin to go 4-wheeling. Bret, Denise, Joe and Nate went with us this time. Joe got a new machine - an 800 Polaris - to replace his 700 Polaris that had a habit of over heating. He didn't trade in his 700 so he brought it with. This way Bret and Denise didn't have to ride double.

Friday Jeff and I went for a ride in the morning. We then met up with the rest of the gang and headed out for a Friday afternoon ride. It was great weather in the morning but sprinkled a little bit in the afternoon. 4-wheeling in the rain is not fun but it only lasted a little while. It didn't take long for Nate to find and get stuck in a puddle.

The next morning we headed out at 9:30 and by 11:30 Joe's new machine was broke down. A screw had broke off and something was bouncing around and put a hole in his radiator. It was toast. Luckily we were at a gas station and not in the middle of the woods. And like Bret pointed out, we could get candy bars and stuff.

So, Bret and Denise ended up riding together after all. Not a happy camper was Bret - but what do you do? Um, the answer would be - BUY ANOTHER MACHINE!!!!

We rode for awhile and came up to a group of guys and saw that one had an accident. His 4 wheel drive went wack and he flipped it. He actually was pretty lucky and only ended up with a hole in his leg. Nurse Denise took care of him and he was able to drive himself to the nearest place of business - a bar in a campground.

Which was were we were heading to so the boys could play in the 4 -wheeler playground. Us old folks decided not to stick around - plus it wouldn't take them long to catch up with us.

We met at a bar in Hatfield to eat (yum, yum) and then we were off again. We were to met the boys at a certain spot but they weren't there. We took off and rode until we needed gas (again) and we headed back. We found out later that the boys decided not to met us because Joe's #2 machine was over-heating. Wow, big surprise there.

The next day we headed out for the final run. We had heard about a mud pit on Wildcat loop so we headed that way. We found it and we had fun. We then went to the nearest town, filled up on gas and candy bars and headed back to the mud. Had more fun and then headed home.

Oh, wait. It wouldn't be a trip to Black River Falls if we didn't tow someone in on Sunday afternoon. Yup, Joe accomidated us. His ride over-heated so Nate started towing him. Then Nate's machine started over-heating so Jeff took over. We made it but it took a LONG time.

Like usual we had a great time!!! Enjoy the pictures.

Joe's #1 machine broke down.
The boys after the first time through the great mud hole.

Bret stuck in the mud hole.

Jeff's machine after going through the mud.

Gina wiping off the mud after getting stuck and Joe saving her. (he purposely sprayed mud all over the front of me. Mud doesn't taste that great by the way.)

Bret stuck.

Joe pulling Bret out.

My ride after the mud.

All the machine before we left. It took Jeff almost 2 hours to get our cleaned.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Timothy's 1 year old pictures

Several weeks ago I found a coupon for Target's Portrait Studio. This was a VERY good coupon which included a free 8x10 and a traditional package for $7.95. Since Timothy just turned a year old I thought I would make an appointment and take him to get his pictures taken.

Well, the making of the appointment was not as easy as I thought it would be. You can do it on-line but I wanted to call. Well, evidently Target's phone system is still in the dark ages. Trying to reach someone is impossible. Their voice mail system may or may not be working at any given time and if someone does call you back - well lets just say we played phone tag.

I eventually gave up on the phone appointment so I went to the internet. I knew I was going to have Timothy one Sunday so on Saturday night I made an appointment for the next day. On the site it said "same day appointments call to set up". Well I already tried the phone thing and I was making the appointment for the next day so I'm fine - right?


The next day the portrait studio called a few hours before the appointment to confirm that I was scheduled for the NEXT Sunday. Not a happy person was I. Here to find out it should not say "same day please call" but rather "within 24 hours, please call".

So, I scheduled for the next Sunday in the hopes that I would get him again. Yes, basically I gave up and hoped for the best. Sometimes they just beat you down until you can't fight any more. But I felt that I was getting the last laugh - I had a coupon!!!

It all worked out in the end but I think that if the coupon wasn't as good as it was - I would have given up and never taken him out there.

So, Amanda Emma and I took him out there and he was very happy when we left but he fell asleep almost immediately. We were going to Roseville and it was raining cats and dogs. When we got there I had to wake him up and run to the building through the rain. Lets just say he wasn't a happy guy when we got inside. He clung to Amanda and was NOT going to do the picture thing.

Luckily one of the many pictures turned out ok. (Notice how he bites the bottom lip? Totally Anthony!) I wasn't real happy but then I gave the lady my coupon and paid $8. Ok, I guess I can live with it for that price.

He was still a little put off on the way home but once we got there and started feeding him he perked up. That's when I took this picture:

Oh sure! Now you're happy!!

(BTW, we were feeding him Ravioli and he loved it! Can you tell?)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Two Things

I'm totally bummed that my favorite broadcaster - John Madden - has officially retired. At least he knew what he was talking about. (Unlike the other yahoos that call football. Bunch of morons if you ask me.)

My hats off to John and his wonderful career.

It was great while it lasted but Sunday nights will never be the same. (Who's going to explain things so that I understand?)

Next --

My cousin Shana sent me this great video. I've watched it three times now and it cracks me up. Literally tears coming down the face, laughing. Its a little long but worth every minute.



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter was a little different for me this year. Usually I head up to the Farm by myself (the drive is very peaceful and I get to listen to anything I want on the radio!) on Saturday and come home on Sunday. The hubby and kids usually go to his side of the family because they have other things going on during the weekend and can't leave town.
This year Anthony needed my car (which the hubby will not let me take on a road trip anymore due to its age) for the weekend because his truck broke down. That meant that if I used the hubby's truck he wouldn't have a vehicle. And no, I couldn't get a ride from someone else.

So, I stayed in town for the first time in years.
But, I got to spend some time with Timothy on Saturday and I was able to be with my kids, husband and Emma on Easter. All was good.

I even went to Church! I'm in the process of trying to figure out if I want to be a member of the church of my youth (which is also only a block and a half away) so I've decided to attend some services. What better time than Easter to begin again?
Even more surprising than me heading off to Mass was Amanda going to church! More power to her if it's something that she wants to pursue. I can see Emma enjoying Sunday School when she gets a little older.

Emma wore a pretty pink dress on Easter Sunday that a friend of mine at work gave her. She had on matching pink socks, a pink hat and also had a little pink purse to go with the dress. Because it is Minnesota and the weather was a little cool, Amanda put on a cute jean jacket that I purchased for Emma a few weeks ago.
Ya, ya. I know. A jean jacket over a pretty pink dress? But it worked. And she was only wearing it from the car to the house so it was all good. She looked cute! And of course my batteries died so I only got a few pictures of her later that night. After a long day she was not very cooperative but at least I got a few.

All in all it was a good Easter. The only thing missing for me was the Ham Gravy that I didn't get to eat because I wasn't at the farm. Ham gravy is yummy and a tradition for me. You might think I'm joking but this is serious stuff for me. I look forward to Easter because of the ham gravy.

I have my priorities.

Ham gravy in particular.

One Easter the aunts tried to sneak some Au Gratin potatoes past me --- but they failed. I hid "the box" in the cupboard, went down to the cellar and grabbed some potatoes and quickly started peeling them. To late now!! Not sure how happy they were with me but we had ham gravy that year and every year since.

So the moral of the story is:
"Some times you have to give up a little ham gravy to be with those you love."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The End of March Madness

I am SO happy that March is over........ At least that was my first thought when I wrote April 1 today.

March was a long month and it started out badly for me. I found out that my very good friend Chris passed away right after midnight on March 1. Of course then there was the funeral service, which was very difficult for me. Its hard to say good-bye to a friend that you've known almost your entire life. Especially when he is taken away at such a young age - 46.

We saw a lot of friends at the funeral - some that we hadn't seen in many years. It almost made me want to go down to Pig's Eye (our favorite hang-out in High School) and party. But, instead we went to the Cro after the service. Of course everyone is a little older and a little wiser so no body stayed real long.

One thing about the funeral that will stay with me forever was the last song -- "Amazing Grace" and it would be whistled by Chris. I spent an hour and a half preparing myself for this final song. What I didn't prepare myself for was Chris talking before he whistled the song. Basically he said he was ok and happy. Believe me when I say that there weren't many dry eyes in the church at this point in the service. Hearing his voice was heartbreaking but also wonderful.

It was a difficult time but then I remembered what happened after the service. The hubby and I went outside to the parking lot and we noticed that there was a bald eagle flying very low just above the church. He just kept flying circles around the church for the longest time. It totally amazes me that the eagle was right there at the exact time that the service ended. It was very calming for me and makes me think that Chris will always be watching over us. He will be in our hearts, minds and a part of our lives forever.

But of course the selfish me would rather have him here.

Right after Chris' funeral I found out that my niece's grandma passed away. She was 58. Two funerals in just over a week. Not fun.

The second week in March was a bad one. The senior building I work at ended up being closed down due to the Norovirus. We had to tell the residents to stay in their apartments and we closed all common/public areas of the building. We had a lot of residents and staff sick from this airborne virus, which is very difficult to stop. We went on like that for a week and a half.

Of course I got it.

And at the worst time possible!!

Friday, March 13th was my grandson's first birthday. Yes, I missed his birthday. I had to be quarantined for 72 hours, which means that I stayed down in the basement on the couch and didn't go near other people or grandchildren. The good news is that the Hubby stepped up and took lots of pictures of Timothy's birthday party.

I know what you're thinking......he won't remember that grandma wasn't there. But I'll remember!!!

There were other smaller things to go on in the month of March that made me think "Really? Are you kidding me?"

For example, the dog learning how to open the refrigerator and then eating the leftovers. Or, I've been without my mom and dad for 2 1/2 months. Or, the fact that now I have masking tape on my fridge to prevent any unauthorized opening. Or, putting up with crabby seniors because they can't play bingo or wash their underwear. Or, the dog learning how to open the cupboard and dragging the trash out. Or, the fact that my hubby has lost 30 pounds but I get the flu and gain 8. (how the hell does that work!!). etc......

BUT, then I remember some good things that happened during the month.

My mom and dad came home from Alabama
I HAVE a grandson (who, by the way, is the sweetest thing ever!! - see picture below)
I have a dog that is usually good more often then he is bad.
None of my seniors died from the virus.
I have a dog that is obviously pretty damn smart if you ask me. (I'm thinking about the possibilities like "Kobi, get me a beer!" or Letterman stupid pet tricks or just Hollywood in general.)
I get to see my children and grandchildren all the time.
My husband loves me - no matter what my weight is or if I have the flu.
I have a granddaughter that brings me joy every day. (see picture below)
I am blessed to have Chris as my friend.

I was reviewing the month of March in my head on Monday morning when someone on the radio said that "every day is a gift." I guess if anything I've learned that many times over in the month of March.

I guess maybe it wasn't such a horrible month.

Just one that I will remember.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Explanation to previous post.

For those confused - yes, Amanda is already married. They will celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary this March. In August they are planning to renew their vows in front of family and friends. This is why a wedding gown is needed. Sorry for the confusion. Sometimes I forget that people don't know what's going on in my head.